Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Of the Dawn of Freedom Essay

In â€Å"Of the Dawn of Freedom,† author W. B. Du Bois (1903) points out the historical basis for the persistence of racism as a problem. Written almost three decades after the civil war, the text is addressed to both African-American and White people who comfort themselves with the illusion that the granting of the right of suffrage to African-Americans instantly solved the problems of inequality. This is evident in how Du Bois illustrates that contrary to popular perception, the Civil War did not totally lead to the emancipation of African-Americans and that the subsequent â€Å"Negro suffrage ended a civil war by beginning a race feud† (34) wherein African-Americans became the subject of contempt of Southern White populations who fought against the abolition of slavery. Indeed, Du Bois’ observations accurately mirror the situation of African-Americans until today. Clearly, African-Americans are still subjected to deeply-held stereotypes that systematically degrade and debase them on the basis of what Du Bois calls â€Å"the color-line. (9) Despite the abolition of slavery, African-Americans continued to be socially-marginalized. Consequently, African-American’s situation as â€Å"a segregated servile caste† (37) after slavery was abolished only resulted in the formation of a double consciousness or an identity confusion owing to the lack of their clear role in society and their alienation from the dominant White culture. In effect, the abolition of slavery also uprooted both African-Americans and White Americans from the customs and clear norms that arose from centuries of slavery. Without the delineations of the slave order, African-Americans found it difficult to establish their identity especially as the White Americans did not want to accommodate the ex-slaves into the folds of society. It is therefore not surprising that African-Americans continue to be subjected to racist perceptions. As Du Bois rightly points out, the freedom of the Black Americans was immature in so far as the Whites regarded them not as their equals but looked condescendingly at the newly-freed Black people as their inferiors and â€Å"helpless wards. †(34)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Data Analysis Essay

The first paper I analyzed was the pre-assessment questionnaire. I read through each question and answer and checked how many answers the students got correct. The student scored 3 out of the 6 questions correct. Given that this lesson was complied of all new learning materials (according o the teacher) I felt that the student did pretty well.The questions were multiple choice so even if the student guessed on the answers the student had a 1 in 3 shot Of doing so. The student got the easier questions correct such as ‘What is a compass rose? † and the â€Å"What is this a picture of? † questions. After analyzing the pre-assessment, I moved on to the post-assessment. This would demonstrate evidence of student learning since this was given at the end of the lesson.The Students scored 3 points which is the highest score you could get on this assessment. This means that the student followed all three of the directions correctly. The student created a map of the classroo m using the supplies given (colored pencils, card stock and a ruler), created a legend explaining what the symbols signified, and drew a compass rose on the map. This students post-assessment demonstrated evidence that he/she clearly understood the lesson objective.The student knew what a legend was and how to incorporate symbols onto a map by using one and was able to correctly draw a compass rose. The student obviously grasped the concept of the activity since he/she did so well on the assessment. Feel that the proof lies in both the pre and post assessment scores. The student went from not knowing a lot of information regarding maps to creating a map of the classroom complete with a functional legend and an accurate depiction of a compass rose.

Much Ado About Nothing Essay

Much Ado About Nothing–the title sounds, to a modern ear, offhand and self-effacing; we might expect the play that follows such a beginning to be a marvelous piece of fluff and not much more. However, the play and the title itself are weightier than they initially seem. Shakespeare used two other such titles–Twelfth Night, or What You Will and As You Like It–both of which send unexpected reverberations of meaning throughout their respective plays, the former with its reference to the Epiphany and the topsy-turvy world of a saturnalian celebration, and the latter with its implications about how the characters (and the audience itself) see the world in general and the Forest of Arden in particular. Much Ado About Nothing is no different, but we do not pick up the deeper resonances as quickly as an Elizabethan would, simply because of a shift in pronunciation. We get our first real glimpse of the pun in the title when Don Pedro says, â€Å"Note notes, forsooth, and nothing!† (The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare, ed. Sylvan Barnet, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972, 2.3.57). As A. R. Humphreys explains, â€Å"That ‘nothing’, colloquially spoken, was close to or identical with ‘noting’ is the basis of Shakespearean puns, especially in a context of musical ‘noting’. A similar pun, though non-musical, is conceivable here† (Introduction, The Arden Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, London and New York: Methuen, 1981, 4). The play is, in fact, driven by the â€Å"noting† of scenes or conversations and the characters’ reactions to these observations; â€Å"noting† seems to be the thematic glue that binds the various plot elements together. When he wrote the play in 1598, Shakespeare assembled the Hero-Claudio plot line from bits and pieces of Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (Canto V) and Spenser’s The Faerie Queene (Book II), and added details about Claudio and Don Pedro from Bandello’s La Prima Parte de la Novelle (Novella 22). For the characters of Beatrice and Benedick, Shakespeare drew not so much on a specific story or plot as on the tradition of wit combat and characters from his own earlier comedies; these two characters can be seen, in fact, as wittier and more mature versions of Kate and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew. Dogberry and Verges also have no clear literary source, but seem instead to be taken from Shakespeare’s England. (For a detail ed discussion of Much Ado’s sources, see A. R. Humphreys’ introduction to The Arden Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, London and New York: Methuen, 1981, 5-25.) These  characters, different though they may be, mesh together (and frequently clash) through their observations, chance overhearings, and deliberate eavesdroppings. The first sign of this comes early in Act I. When Claudio asks Benedick what he thinks of Hero, Benedick responds, â€Å"I noted her not, but I looked on her† (1.1.158). It becomes increasingly clear that they see in Hero two entirely different people. To Claudio she is â€Å"a modest young lady,† â€Å"a jewel,† and â€Å"the sweetest lady that ever I looked on (1.1.159, 175, 181-2). But to Benedick, â€Å"she’s too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise† (1.1.165-70). This is, as John Wilders â€Å"notes,† â€Å"a play much concerned with the ways in which people perceive one another, with our tendency to see in other people whatever by character and experience we are predisposed to see† (New Prefaces to Shakespeare, Oxfo rd: Basil Blackwell, 1988, 147). So we must consider that Claudio is describing what he sees through the hazy mists of romantic attraction, and that Benedick (whatever he may say) is analyzing her through the mask of â€Å"a professed tyrant to their sex† (1.1.162-3); neither of them may be seeing Hero as she really is. Claudio, however, has an unfortunate tendency to believe exactly what he sees, and his eyesight proves more powerful than his faith in Don Pedro and his love for Hero. When Don John, in his first bit of mischief, suggests to Claudio that Don Pedro is courting Hero for himself, Claudio (despite his knowledge of the wooing plan and his friendship with the prince) takes what he sees for truth. And he is not convinced otherwise until the Don Pedro actually hands Hero over to him. Benedick also believes what his eyes show him: â€Å"The Prince hath got your Hero†¦. But did you think the Prince would have served you thus?† (2.1.189-90, 193-4). But Benedick, at least, may be excused by his ignorance of Pedro’s intent to woo in Claudio’s name. This excuse cannot be made for Claudio; he seems more willing to trust what he sees rather than what he believes in his heart or knows in his mind to be true. It is this quality that enables Don John to convince Claudio that H ero is unchaste; so when Claudio sees Margaret, impersonating Hero, in intimate conversation with Borachio, he disregards what faith (if any) he had in her, abandons his earlier observation that she is â€Å"a modest young lady† (1.1.159), and determines to shame her at the marriage ceremony. In his relationships with Don Pedro and Hero, visual proof (in both cases provided by a thorough-going  villain) takes precedence over previous experience. Eyesight, however, is not the only deceiving sense; hearing is also included in the play’s treatment of â€Å"noting.† At the beginning of 2.1, we learn that one of Antonio’s servants happened to overhear Claudio and Don Pedro making plans for the winning of Hero, but the servant must not have heard the conversation in its entirety because he runs to Antonio with the story that Don Pedro means to court Hero in earnest. Auditory observations can apparently be just as unreliable as visual ones. Borachio, perhaps a more adept spy, also overhears Claudio’s and Don Pedro’s conversation, but he comes away with a more accurate version of the plan (2.3.56-61). The next eavesdropping scene, carefully engineered by â€Å"the love-gods† (2.2.382) for the gulling of Beatrice and Benedick, is yet another demonstration that what we see and hear is not necessarily what is. Just as Don John and Borachio create an event to deceive Claudio, Don Pedro and his c onfederates act out a scene for Benedick, and Hero and Ursula do the same for Beatrice. The quarrelsome couple believe what the â€Å"love-gods† say because on some level it’s true and because Beatrice and Benedick want to believe that each is in love with the other. In the same way that we see what â€Å"we are predisposed to see† (Wilders 147), we also hear (and believe) what we are predisposed to hear. The final (and perhaps most important) overhearing connects the comic subplot of the constabulary with the world of Don John and Don Pedro. Despite their lack of sophistication and their abuse of the English language, Dogberry, Verges and the rest of the Watch discover Don John’s plotting and manage to sort out the confusion created by the aristocrats. â€Å"Much Ado is,† as John Wilders says, â€Å"a play about ‘noting’, about the various and conflicting ways in which we respond to and judge other people† (147). It is about the flexibility of reality–our ability to manipulate what other people observe and o ur occasional tendency to let biases influence our perceptions. And finally, it is about the inadequacy of â€Å"noting† the world with eyes and ears only, and the importance of relying on one’s experience with and consequent faith in other human beings. Much Ado is all this, and marvelous comedy too.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An investigation into service quality and satisfaction level in 4 star Essay

An investigation into service quality and satisfaction level in 4 star UK hotel industry - Essay Example Hotels are an important part of the tourism industry and with the trend to globalization, there have been an increasing number of hotels cropping up, offering a wide range of facilities to customers. Four and Five star hotels cater to the affluent public as well as members of the business community and stand out from the other hotels in that they are associated with quality products and superior levels of services. This is why customers are also prepared to pay higher rates at such hotels, on the basis of brand recognition and expectations of a superior level of service. Within the UK, the hospitality industry is highly competitive and service levels are a vital factor in ensuring a steady supply of customers to enhance productivity of these hotels. Travel and tourism are booming today and several studies have already been carried out on the levels of passenger and hotel resident satisfaction across the globe. The impact of services and facilities available at hotels and their impact upon tourist satisfaction have also been assessed in other studies; however the number of studies that have examined the impact of these services in terms of customer perception specifically at four star hotels in the UK are fewer. This study could therefore help to provide more insight into this area and add to the pool of existing research. Hotels play an important role in tourism business [Medik and Ingram, 2000], since they serve as a venue for the conducting of important business transactions as well as tourist and holiday destinations, providing an area where monies are spent. The quality of the accommodation offered at the hotels plays a vital role in their selection by people who use them [Cooper et al, 1996]. ]. In the atmosphere of fierce global competition that exists in today’s world, adopting the best practices in respect to the management and execution of business has assumed importance in terms of enhancing productivity

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Drinking ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drinking ages - Essay Example These laws encompass an extensive range of actions and issues associated with alcohol consumption; they clearly indicate when and where alcohol can be imbibed. However, the legal age for consumption of alcohol can be different from the legal age for purchasing of alcohol (Kindelberger 197). Furthermore, these laws are variable among different countries and many laws have room for exemptions under special circumstances; and most laws only restrict the imbibing of alcohol in public places, with no imposition of restriction on alcohol consumed at home. Many countries have different age restrictions for different kinds of alcoholic beverages. The United Kingdom is the only country that has set a minimum age restriction for imbibing alcohol at home. Whereas, in some countries minors are not restricted to consume alcohol, but the alcohol can be seized, and some restrict selling of alcohol to minors. Although the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 clearly specified that individuals of 21 years of age or older are allowed to purchase and consume alcohol, there have been intermittent debates whether the drinking age should be 21 or be lowered to 18. Scientists supporting either side come with substantial evidence. However, popular sentiment tells that there are more people supporting the legal drinking age of 21 than those supporting 18 years of age. The arguments from both sides are primarily centered on adults of age 18-21, and college and university students (Kiesbye 57). A large number of college and university officials have sparked debates that current alcohol drinking laws have poorly failed; that instead of drawing students away from alcohol, they have simply forced students to take underage drinking in secrecy toward dangerous extremes, and it has established a wide-spread culture of clandestine drinking among young adults,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Journal 6 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal 6 - Coursework Example Critical to note is the use of grammar. Every aspect of the written work has to ensure that the grammar is above board and can make sense in the context for which it is used. Punctuation marks form the biggest building block when writing in English. Virtually every sentence has to be effected with a punctuation mark. Some sentences would either have more meaning when punctuation is used. Consequently, a sentence that has no punctuations or is not well punctuated could lose meaning completely (Hopper et al., 56). English language is very dynamic and diverse with writing styles and formats being introduced every single day. One therefore needs to undertake in reading and learning the writing skills as appropriate. In this manner, one ids able to improve on the writing procedures and the critical issues that are basically involved in producing an English paper. Writing in English is not very difficult, but requires constant practice and reading many books with simple English. Through this, one is able to improve from time to time with respect of writing in proper English (Hopper et al.,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Police interrogations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police interrogations - Term Paper Example There is a clear distinction between using interrogation as a means of truth-seeking and as a means of coercive manipulation to arrive at confession. But this difference is lost on many who do not recognize the value of real police work, which begins with a case and ends with the accumulation of evidence. While there is reason to claim some police interrogation in the 21st century violates this truth-seeking purpose and borders instead on coercive manipulation, by and large police tactics today are founded upon refined psychological theories that relate to criminal behavior and are far more effective at eliciting genuine confessions than any tactics in the history of police work. American police interrogations have classically been structured, cultured, and practiced as a means of increasing the state’s ability to prosecute a suspect and to undermine his or her ability to craft a robust defense at trial (Leo, 2008, p. 11). The history of interrogations in the United States follows the movement away from an openly â€Å"third degree†, inquisitorial model to an adversarial model, which Leo (2008) describes as an era of science and psychology. In the past, when interrogations were even less visible to the public as they are now, harsher techniques were used with great frequency (Leo, 1992). The demand from the American public to solve crimes at high rates, however, has not changed from previous decades; only now, interrogations have become less about physical coercion and more about psychological manipulation (Leo, 2008). So-called â€Å"third degree† interrogation techniques were especially prevalent among law enforcement officials in the first quarter of the 20th century. The term â€Å"third degree† is a euphemism for the inflicting of physical and mental pain for the purpose of extracting confession or self-incriminating statements. The Wickersham Commission, which was founded in 1929 to discover the causes of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Employment law paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employment law paper - Essay Example st does not in any way burden the business or the operations, and d) Or simply retaliating against an employee who has filled out the EEO charge or acts as a witness for someone else’s EEO matter. Any form of opposition to the religious discrimination or where the employee is faced with an issue due to the religion they follow is to be avoided by all companies. There are a few exceptions to this law and these companies do not need to deal with the religious discrimination. These include a) Religious organizations, and b) ministerial exceptions. A company does not have to reasonably accommodate to an individual’s requests if it has an impact on the working of the company or the business operations. Also, if the company has a bona fide doubt on the basis of the accommodation request, then the employer may refuse to accommodate. For instance, if an employee denies being able to conduct one of the duties based on some religious constraint, and the employer has a doubt regarding the same, then the employer has a right to not accommodate the request and to ignore the request. Similarly in a case where the employee is required to work on a particular timing and is unable to do so due to religious constraints, then the employer can check for the factual details of the accommodation, and can also refuse to accommodate as it will have a direc t impact on the business and the business operations. Gender discrimination is more commonly referred to as sexual discrimination. Here people are discriminated based on their gender and the gender becomes a factor in deciding who get a job, promotion, or even other employment benefits. Most commonly found to be against women who feel that men are treated with a bias and that women are unfairly discriminated against men. This however does also see a number of cases where a reverse discrimination has occurred, for instance, women are treated more favorable than men. In simple terms, gender discrimination is when one gender is

Definition of the Term Poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Definition of the Term Poor - Essay Example The conversation inevitably turned to the suitability of this individual to handle the task at hand. Keenly aware of the fact that someone was being judged in this matter, I listened closely for any determination; fully aware that whatever was decided would impact me specifically. What I heard was my mother and father agree that the woman was not suitable due to the fact that she was incredibly poor. At the time this made a large impact on me; as I realized that people’s abilities and talents could be classified with respect to whether they were poor or not. Within our entire culture, the term â€Å"poor† has taken on a highly pejorative meaning. Individuals are summarily grouped between those that can be classified as â€Å"poor† and those that cannot. As with many pejorative words, the actual meaning behind the word â€Å"poor† differs significantly from what is connoted when this word is so carelessly and continually thrown around by the likes of politi cians, news pundits, and stakeholders at every level within society. In seeking to understand this term to a more full and complete degree, the following analysis will consider the direct denoted meaning of the word as well as the connotations that it espouses within the current culture. Firstly, it must be understood that â€Å"poor† in its most basic denoted meaning merely involves the state of being without; and/or having a very small amount of something. Generally, this denoted meaning involves money or financial instruments of some variety. However, within the connoted meaning of the word, the societal participant is lead to understand that this involves a lack of education, propensity to crime, oftentimes even a certain socio-demographic. From the connoted and denoted meanings that have thus far been defined, it can be fairly securely understood what specifically defines â€Å"poor† within the current culture and society. Yet, it must also be understood that the term itself is incapable of defining many of the connoted meanings that have been referenced. As was described, the traditional definition has to do with material want; not personality traits and/or a proclivity away from education. These connoted meanings only act as a disservice to the way in which people understand what poverty and poor actual means. As a direct result of this misunderstanding, the definition of poor has come to take on a life all its own. One thing that should be manifestly clear, a topic that is not often discussed, is the fact that even though poor has a level of impact with regards to material possession, it cannot begin to define the level of skills, talents, ideas, creativity, passion, work ethic, motivation, or intelligence that a person has. Merely because poor can help to define the net worth of an individual in monetary terms should not be misconstrued to mean that it is somehow equally useful for delineating the overall net worth of a person physically , psychologically, emotionally or spiritually (Hom 391). By their very nature, humans seek to define and categorize information into easily understandable facts.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast ANY TWO of the following approaches to the Essay

Compare and contrast ANY TWO of the following approaches to the governance of transnational corporations (TNCs) - Essay Example Governing international corporations ensures that business runs as it is supposed to. It also ensures that the corporations do not take advantage of prevailing situations to enrich themselves at the expense of other people in society. In other words, global business governance ensures that everyone gains from the operations of international business (Zadek, 2001). There are many theories that can be used to analyze the governance of global business. For the purposes of this paper, I will examine global business governance using the Neoliberal Approach and the Social Democratic Approach. These two approaches have been used to propagate the idea of prosperity through international commerce (Epstein, 1999). The Neoliberal approach to global business governance can be described as the theory that supports economic freedom, which is an important factor in international business policy discussions. The neoliberal approach gained popularity after being adopted by the World Trade Organization in 1970. The main objective of this perspective is to remove all the barriers to international commerce and the privatization of services and resources. Reduced restrictions on all or some economic activities means that the governments of the involved countries do not have the mandate to interfere with how the multinational corporations run their businesses. The neoliberal model’s support for free market methods also means that there should as little restriction on business operations as possible. The multinational corporations are also are entitled to full property rights in their areas of operations (Hill, 2008). In this approach there is limited government intervention in international corporate governance. Instead, it supports the multilateral political influence from such bodies as the World Bank and the WTO. Privatization is a major component of neoliberalism. This means

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How does new technology affect education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How does new technology affect education - Essay Example Currently, the education sector is experiencing a rapid transition whereby different disciplines are embracing Tablet PCs as well as similar pen-based gadgets. This is to enhance both teaching and learning processes, which is contrary to the past whereby their respective modes encompassed physical interaction between the student and tutors. Evidence of the emerging impact of new technological knowhow was quite evident in 5Th workshop held in Virginia in 2010. This was through varied presentations by different intellectuals whose information comprises this book. For the past eight decades in 20Th period before 1980s, educated worker’s curve depicted an upward trend. However, the demand for them was not that high as compared to the current state, which is the contrary. Due to high education before 1980s, this prompted to the emergency of numerous people who were well off, hence becoming the richest region globally. However, that trend currently has ceased whereby due to the rapid technological change states are facing the shortage of skilled labour force. Introducing technological knowhow to children is of great importance in ensuring they are ready to tackle other varied aspects during their education. This is especially in tackling varied subjects as well as doing researches at a later period, which is more beneficial compared to when they learn of using technology later. However, this takes the effort of well trained tutors in the mode of implementing technology as per the children or student’s capability, which Casey outline in this book. Implementing in this case encompasses considering 90 activities, which Casey advocates in this research for each child starting from as early as three years. The source offers detailed information meant to equip any learning person with necessary studying and leadership skills. The former skills encompass confidence, creativity and being able to navigate the constantly evolving environment due to emergent

Monday, July 22, 2019

Future Indian Sports Manager Essay Example for Free

Future Indian Sports Manager Essay India is in the forefront in very sporting activities despite having such a huge raw pool of talent which if groomed correctly can catapult the country in the international arena as one of the top sporting nations. Sports has been my first and foremost passion from as far as I can remember. An active participant of every single sporting activity in school and my local clubs my entire life revolved around sports from my childhood. he adrenaline rush that comes with playing  sports  is something that I cant put into words Due to financial pressure I could not initially take up sports as a career option but after 6 years of working in the corporate world I have now realised that my life still revolves around sports and granted the opportunity I would want to live my life in the sports world. Observing the growing importance of managing sports teams and activities professionally, and seeing the emergence of specialised courses, I would like to work towards changing and growing sports from the grass roots level in my country, India. The prevalence of politics, red tapism and lack of promotion of talented athletes has more or less depleted and killed the motivation of such athletes in our country. Having been a part of the entire system myself and despite having being selected in the training camp for the state basketball team and having being told by my coach that I had tremendous potential but there was no motivation to pursue this as a career option as it offered absolutely no stability. Every year I see extremely talented athletes leaving their passions behind and moving onto make their career in other fields. Throughout the country a wide variety of sports are played. India is home to several traditional sports which originated in the country and continue to remain fairly popular. These include kabbadi, kho kho, wrestling and archery. The British rule brought many popular sports in India including football, rugby union, cricket, golf, tennis, squash, hockey, boxing, nooker and billiards. The country which has produced the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, Saina Nehwal, Sania Mirza, P. T. Usha among thousands of other great athletes has not even scratched the surface. The talent is there for all to see but to a dysfunctional and corrupted system it fails to promote the same to excel in the international arena. To put in perspective these problems are not only faced in India but in many more countries. Some of the major issues which are considered to be the biggest problems facing a country can be discussed under the following points Management: The problems in management are the single most destructive force which ensures that the facilities being provided for promoting raw talents never reach. In most developing countries especially in India the key posts in management are coveted posts and are held by politicians or their close associated. The result of this is that the leaders of the sports management in these countries are mostly people who are a) without any experience whatsoever in sports, b) are required to work only till such time that their elected political party is in power so they build no plans which can be executed over a five year plan, c) are mostly politicians who are more interested in gaining political mileage out of the entire deal and most importantly d) Are mostly the biggest perpetrators when it comes to corruption ensuring funds actually meant for the athletes are diverted to their own pockets by using different channels. For instance the Commonwealth Games 2010 which was hosted by Delhi, India came under a lot of scrutiny for the corrupt means used by the organizers  who pocketed funds that had been generated for the athletes. It was a disgrace for the entire nation that an event of such magnitude was no more than a mere money making scheme for a few individuals. In fact, the Head of the Commonwealth games in India Suresh Kalmadi has also been arrested for the same. The prevalence of such a system ensure there is no long term plan for developing the system from a grass root level and ensuring the plan is constantly evolving and growing in a positive direction rather than being changed at the whims and fancies of a politician. Involvement of trained sports managers can change the entire ball game and ensure a much more planned and structural growth for athletes from the grass root level. Most other problems derive their origin from that of management but are long standing problems with ramifications of their own. Some of the more significant problems which have strong ramifications of their own are: Grass Roots:  The biggest drawback for a lot of sporting activities is a lack of a planned and sustainable program to develop athletes at the grassroots’ level. There is an urgent need to involve professional sports managers who understand the need for the same and are put in charge of the systems which govern the same. Promoting and training promising athletes will lead to emergence of new stars that would have previously gone undiscovered. Developmental:   With sports emerging as a frontrunner in drawing spectators across the world the need today in every country is to promote a variety of sports by professional methods, by packaging and presenting the USP of each sport to draw in a larger fan base. Although hockey is the national sport of the country, despite the country having such a vast raw pool of talent in different sporting genres, mainly cricket holds the limelight across the world. The IPL (Indian Premiere League) overshadows most of the other sporting events due to its glamour quotient as well as the huge sum of money involved. The lack of attention given to other sports in India besides cricket is very disheartening for young sportsmen . Packaged and managed to ensure maximum response will ensure many more varieties of sports draw in the same amount of attention and revive athletes’ interests in following the same as a career option. Disciplinary:   Due to a weak management system coaches and managers use banned substances to train their wards. Young athletes not supervised correctly are most vulnerable to the same. Discipline during growth is an extremely important aspect of a super athlete and forms the backbone during his growing stages and becomes even more important once the athlete achieves milestones. Economics of scale has become a focal point of discussion in sports today. Inequality in finances’ due to sponsorships and also government preferences has proved detrimental to non cash rich sports in all countries. Quality training and excellent facilities in some sports has led them to create a huge imbalance in most countries. Not only restricted to a single country but due to the emergence of imbalance among different leagues across various countries has led to a decline in the fan base where finances are not adequate and may eventually lead to a demise of the sport in that particular In conclusion it may be said that a strong management system ensures strong development of policies which enable a positive and sustainable growth system. Sports are an important segment of our country and also it is a prestige issue. In today’s world cricket assumes primary importance in the minds of the audience and the government has also by no means played a small part in ensuring the same. As a result other sports have suffered tremendously in the country My experience of sports in the state and national arena was restricted to Basketball wherein I had played for the university team and was selected for the state selection camp. Observing the rampant politics and prevalence of corruption I was highly demotivated. Moving on to a high paying job seemed to be the only motivation for me to leave sports and I followed that for 6 years, but my passion for sports never died. I have been strongly associated with basketball as a coach for my higher secondary school, as a player for my club and have also promoted basketball in my company wherein I have formed a team of my peers and have participated and won a number of tournaments. My main motivation for applying for the sports management course is a) to develop a strong understanding of managing sports organisations and athletes b) Understand and work with professional international organisations c) To learn modern technology and its applications in sports today ) To apply all my acquired knowledge in sports today in India e) Develop by working closely with the athletes a system of generating a higher number of quality athletes in a variety of fields Initially I would wish to work with national Women’s sporting teams wherein there would be a requirement for me while at the same time help my state Woman’s basketball association with whom I have been closely associated for the last 15 years dev elop a program to develop young athletes and initially work towards promoting the sport in the national stage and eventually the international stage. My eventual goal would be to bring women’s sports as close to par to men’s sports to guarantee young athletes a promising career in sports and ensure no raw talent gets dissuaded from following sports as a career as I did along with my entire team members. In terms of finance I would have sufficient amount to support myself in terms of accommodation and other living costs but would require financial support from the college by means of a scholarship or assistantship for the education fees. As in India the salaries are not very high in terms of international standards what I have saved would cover as said before the living costs but for the program fees I would need some sort of help in the form of a scholarship. I have spent all my life involved in sports in some way or the other and despite having a natural talent and passion for the same have not been able to follow it as a career option in my life. Today the face of sports especially in India is changing and I am right now in a stage in my career where with all the experience gained in the corporate world coupled with my passion for sports I can contribute in this field. For this I need to be further exposed to the knowledge and experience which your institute offers. I dream to make a change in the industry in my country and this is the main motive behind me applying for the degree which has already enabled many individuals to achieve their goals.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of the Star Wars Films

Analysis of the Star Wars Films A change in the force When I think of the term A Heros Journey the first image that comes to mind is Luke Skywalker standing proudly holding an outstretched lightsaber pointing to the stars with Princess Leia kneeling at his feet clutching a blaster as depicted on the cover of the 1978 movie Star wars IV: a New Hope. Like millions of other children, this film was, unknowingly, my first introduction into the idea of heroic archetypes. It was a story of a heros awakening and the struggle between the forces of light and dark, with glorious space battles, cocky space pirates and a pretty princess. I would watch the VHS tape multiple times a day. It had a very profound impact on my young mind and although the concept was used many times before, its sci-fi themed setting was more than enough to attract the attention millions of other kids and adults alike. It is well documented that George Lucas was heavily inspired by joseph Campbell (1904-1987) and his work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949). In this Campbell outlines what he calls the heros journey; this is a motif of adventure and personal transformation that is used in nearly every cultures mythical framework. This is mirrored in A New Hope where in act one of the heros journey we meet Luke Skywalker who lives on the desert planet of Tatooine and works on his uncles moisture farm. It is soon after we learn of Lukes dreams of becoming a pilot but is bound by his obligations to his uncle to help with the harvest which will be ripe soon. When he receives the message contained within the R2-D2 droid from a princess in obvious distress it serves as his call to adventure and inspires his first steps on his journey which will lead him to Obi Wan Kenobi, his future mentor. Luke initially denies the call only changing his mind when his family and home are destroyed, only then accepting the first stage of his journey which is to rescue the princess. The second act is generally when the hero meets allies, enemies, undergoes life and death conflict and completes the main task in his journey. This can be seen when Luke and Ben enlist the services of rogues Han and Chewbacca and experience their first confrontation with the evil empire. As Luke escapes Tatooine in search of the princess on the planet Alderaan it is truly the beginning of his journey as he ventures into space on his quest. Luke receives training from Obi Wan and bonds with Han during this time and eventually meets the princess by the end of act two. Luke is also portraying similar characteristics of the epic hero during this time, starting in his humble beginnings as a farm boy to completing a task meant only for him and displaying many ideals of the epic hero such as morals, strength, faith, intelligence and bravery. While all these characteristics are vital to fulfil the epic hero role, it is faith that Luke must find in the force before he can truly achieve his heroic status. When Luke and the crew of the Millennium Falcon are captured by the death star, the audience is unsure if they will succeed in escaping and weather they rescue the princess along the way. Of course our hero finds the princess and achieves the goal while nearly being killed along the way. Luke escapes the death star and his task is achieved. Over the course of the second act Luke begins to displayÂÂ   the qualities of an epic hero, Luke is seen as morally positive intelligent man, optimistic about his mission and displays strength and bravery in a number of ways. His faith in the mystical force also develops as he preservers to continue forward after the death of his mentor Obi Wan. In the third act Luke displays what he has learnt over the course of his journey. It is only then that the hero can gain the true reward -in Lukes case this is knowledge. Lukes final task is to aid in the destruction of the Death Star and will only return if his mission is a success otherwise he will be killed and his journey will be over. During the final assault Luke displays growth as a hero, his belief in the force and his alliance with friend Han Solo further shows his hero status. Luke uses his new knowledge gained from his journey and the force to destroy the Death Star and save the rebel alliance from total destruction. It is at this point Luke Journey comes to an end for a New Hope but is continued by Lucas over the course the trilogy, this even continues into the latest instalment, The Force Awakens released in 2015. Although I have focused on Lukes role up until this point is also important to note the other archetypes present in The Star Wars movies.Firstly is Han Solo who is possibly the most beloved character in the original trilogy. This is mostly because of his bad boy image and that he is a cynical anti-hero figure and a bit of a cowboy who relies mostly on courage and the use of his blaster to escape tight situations. He is an independent and strong character as his name SOLO would suggest. In the first film Han can be seen as a shape shifter, perceived by the main character as someone he is unsure of trusting. Hanss intentions are hidden as well as his loyalties as he doesnt want to care about the rebellion or their struggle against the empire. He only wants to care for himself and problems directly affecting him. In the final moments of the battle at the end of Episode IV Han comes to Lukes aid and ends up joining the struggle with the rebels. Hanss journey is more about learning to car e for others rather than just about himself, this journey continues throughout the second and third films as Han the proven warrior now learns to love. Han is accompanied through the trilogy by his trusty companion Chewbacca. It is common for a hero to befriend a beast along the way as this helps the hero to be reminded of the natural world. Lukes main companions include the droids C3PO and R2-D2. They mostly serve comic relief and the everyman archetype. They react to situations much like the audience would if they were thrown into the action. They cower and flee from danger but are also the heralds who issue challenges to the hero as well as announce the coming of change in the heros future. R2-D2 also serves as the Catalyst of the story. He is passionate and helpful, and is completely dedicated to the cause, he delivered the first call to arms to Luke and eventually accompanying him to his next stage of training with the last remaining Jedi master Yoda. Yoda, similar to Obi Wan before him is the old man mentor archetype, although he also embodies multiple archetypes also. When Yoda first meets Luke in the swamps of Dagobah, he is the trickster who is pretending to be a senile old creature, later it is revealed that he is a threshold guardian who is protecting the wisdom and secrets of the Jedi order until the hero proves himself worthy of such gifts. These secrets also contain the truth about Lukes family and the eventual downfall of his father, Anakin Skywalker. Yoda is also represents the oracle that possesses the ability to see beyond the present to future possibilities. Lukes father Anakin Skywalker experiences a true Visionaries arc throughout the series. From a simple slave on Tatooine to becoming one of the last Jedi knights, he remained committed to the order until a vision of his dying mother and death of his beloved wife lead him to the dark side only to be reborn as the tyrannical Darth Vader. Vader is committed to the vision of the empire and remains its most staunch supporter until the undeniable force of change returns him to the light side of the force. This happens as a result of this long lost son Luke who he sacrifices himself to save from the emperor and herald in a new era in the process, which would be led by his children Luke and Leia. Princess Leia represents the feminine in the otherwise male dominated Star Wars universe. In the original trilogy she is firstly depicted as a damsel in distress who is captured by the empire and has to be rescued by the heros. She then reveals herself to be a warrior as she fights to escape the Death Star. Later in the series she takes on a leadership role in the rebel alliance and also a romantic role with Han Solo. In the final film of the original trilogy she is revealed to be the twin sister of Luke Skywalker, thus becoming a female counterpart to Luke with the same strength and potential he has. Leia and her mother Padme are also good examples of what may be perceived as gender bias in the original and prequel trilogies. Aside from these characters the Star Wars universe is practically devoid of female characters. Similar to the society we live in, the Star Wars universe is predominantly patriarchal with characters such as Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi garnering more attention with the female characters usually taking a back seat to the action when they are around. Characters such as Luke and Obi Wan show qualities such as loyalty, integrity and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, while the females are mostly submissive with very few opportunities to be heroic themselves. While the male characters mostly fill the role of the archetypal male hero that the audience is used to seeing, they do have some differences. Han Solo for example is good looking, adventurous with a bad boy attitude while at the same time being irresistible to the opposite sex. Luke Skywalker is also adventurous but is different in that by the end of the original trilogy does not win the girl and forgoes the stereotype of ladies man in favour of the serious hero with a solemn nature similar to the samurai found in the Kurosawa films that originally inspired Lucas. The Jedi from the prequels follow much the same archetypes, female Jedi are present in these movies but are mostly relegated to the background in scenes with no input of value coming from them during the course of the movies. Female villains are also noticeably missing from the films and females in general and are nowhere to be found in the ranks of the Galactic Empire, with the addition to the noticeable lack of alien creatures as well. Although, this may have been a product of the times of the original films production as women in general would not be viewed as legitimate villains. Regardless of the real reasons for this the Star Wars universe is practically devoid of female heroes and villains alike. also worth noting is that the female characters do little to further the cause of the heros and will often get in the way, requiring the heros take time to rescue them. Leia may be an exception to this; she is the most influential female character by far in the Star Wars universe and after the release of Episode IV in 1977 lead to a noticeable uprising in strong female leads in film. Two years later we would see possibly the most heroic female character ever, Ellen Ripley appears in the hit horror movie Alien. With Linda Hamiltons Sarah Connor furthering the cause in 1984s The Terminator a few years later. How much influence Princess Leia had over these characters is easy to see. Leia is headstrong and cocky and when we are first introduced to her she is perceived by the audience as an authority figure being no way over sexualized. Even in the face of her captures she is fearless which is uncharacteristic of the damsel in distress idea. Episode IV is basically a story about a princess who needs to be rescued from the villains stronghold. Women are seen to be on a lower threshold than men and require rescuing as they cannot do so themselves, interestingly, as soon as the male heroes rescue Leia, she takes control of the situation telling the heroes what to do, even rescuing them in the process. At one point she even takes the weapon from Luke to open up a pathway to escape. When they finally escape the Death Star, Leia is also the only one to realise that their escape may have been too easy with the real reason being that they would be used to track the location of the rebel bases. As part of the Rebellion, Leia is also regarded as an authority figure. She orders the all-male rebel pilots around throughout the original trilogy. She is seen as an important and influential strong female protagonist.ÂÂ   Gwendolyn Glover, a noted feminist blogger writes, I know that for many, Princess Leia is a sex symbol. The unattainable and perfect woman. For me, Princess Leia is my feminist icon. She was my first (and pretty much only) female role model for feminism. In a male dominated universe, she stood out as a force to be reckoned with. Tough, smart, and outspoken, she typified everything that I wanted to be,(Glover, 2009). Leias role in Episode IV does a lot for female protagonists in the film industry. With the release of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 Leias character conforms more to the traditional female character roles seen up until then in film. Her romance with Han Solo is a stark contrast to her disinterest in the male leads in the first film and she quickly becomes useless for the majority of the film. In the first 15 minutes of Episode V Han is required to rescue her from the crumbling ruins of the rebel base on Hoth while she displays fear of rodents and requires a male to kill them for her. Which all seems out of place for such an independent character who, in the previous film required none of this attention from her male counterparts and spends the majority of this film falling in love with one of them. One scene in particular stands out in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. When Leia is confronted by Han, she is backed into a corner and asked about her true feelings, the male character takes her hands preventing her escape. The scene ends as she succumbs to her feelings and passionately kisses her capture. This scene can easily be construed as disturbing as it may teach men that borderline violent behaviour or intimidation is a viable way to a womans heart. This trend continues in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi when after rescuing Han from Jabba the Hutt, Leia is herself captured and forced to wear a gold bikini and lie at the foot of Jabbas bed with a collar around her neck, waiting to be rescued by a man. in this we see leias change from the first film where she is dresses from head to toe in white to the final film where we see her practically naked creating one of the most iconic images of male fantasy ever to be seen on the big screen. After she is rescued by Luke she succeeds in killing Jabba (who resembles a giant phallus) with the chain that was previously used to hold her. Towards the end of the film, Leia redeems herself by saving Hans life by shooting attacking Stormtroopers in the films final battle. Thus, although Leia conforms to the traditional gender roles, she does project some positive traits throughout the course of the original trilogy. With the release Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens in 2015, popular culture was still lacking adequate female representation and role models. When a woman was cast as the lead character in the latest instalment of the Star Wars Saga it was a regarded as a big deal. Rey, played by Daisy Ridley was both a protagonist and a hero, she has no romantic interests, wears combat outfits and fights villains just like Anakin and Luke in the trilogies before her . Starting out as a scavenger on Jakku she combines some of the best traits of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo and is both a relatable and believable female lead which is rare to see in films even today. This leads to breaking the stereotype which is present in the earlier films and reinforces the gender balance. Young girls growing up with these new films will have a role model to look up to, while boys will see Rey as a hero regardless of gender. Rey, and her companion Finn mirror well-known initiation myths from mythology: While Finn draws from various Biblical folktales and Celtic myths, Reys story is a updated version of one of the oldest myths, The Epic of Gilgamesh, while adding a feminist interpretation (Glen Robert Gill, 2016). Reys struggle with the main villain Kylo Ren, who is later revealed to be the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, resembles mythic themes of relations and rivalries between siblings. Although Reys lineage is kept secret from the viewer, the idea that she is a Skywalker would make perfect archetypal sense. When we are introduced to Rey we quickly realise she will follow much of the same traits as J.J. Abrams previous leading female characters such as Jennifer Garner of Alias and Anna Torv of Fringe. Rey is a solitary hero who resides in the desert. Her name evokes ideas of light or solar heroism (Ray) and royalty with Rey meaning King in Spanish. Rey however starts at the bottom of the social hierarchy unlike Gilgamesh. While stranded on the planet Jakku we see her scavenging parts from crashed Imperial ships as a means to survive which may be a forecasting of her future as a rebel. Rey is an inverted feminist version of Gilgamesh that will have to be trained and moulded with the martial tradition of the Jedi order to become a Jedi and possibly even becoming immortal during the course of the new films. Rey is also an orphan similar to Finn that reminds us of many female examples such as Daenerys Targaryen from Game Of Thrones, Jane Eyre or even Annie.ÂÂ   This can have special feminine implications as the search for her family is not just about parental affirmation but also about overcoming social vulnerabilities and inequities. Similar to the first meeting between Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu, the first time Rey and Finn meet they begin fighting and arguing with each other, only to later find a common purpose. Just as Rey is an inverted feminist Gilgamesh, Finn is an inverted version of Enkidu, Enkidu can be seen as a representation of the natural or uncivilized side of humanity. As Finn is spurred to escape the soulless structure of the First Order to the natural environment of the Resistance by the cold toughness of Captain Phasma, who is the negative projection of the maidenly anima. Phasmas chrome covered armor projects the mythological idea of the mirror, as this symbolizes self-contemplation and self-examination. As Finn and Rey grow closer as friends, we see in them less as deserters (Finn deserted the First Order, Rey was deserted on the desert planet by her family) but an updated version of the archetypal friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The friendship that develops between Rey and Finn during The Force Awakens reminds us that friendships born in the midst of battle do not need to be exclusively masculine, and do not have to be endorsed or convoluted by a romantic element. When Rey and Finn escape the planet Jakku they are introduced to Han Solo and Chewbacca, the original trilogys version of the same archetypal characters. Han Solos return also brings with it the Jungs archetypal figure the wise old man. Just like Obi-Wan Kenobis role to Luke in A New Hope, Han becomes a mentor figure to our main characters. Han also affirms the existence of the Force to Rey in the exact same location on board the Millennium Falcon as Obi-Wan Kenobi tutored Luke. Soon after our four heroes meet they must work together to escape gangsters who are attempting to capture Solo, the archetypal significance of this is found in the pursuing groups destruction by the hideous rathtars that escape their cages during the course of the action, these snake-tentacled creatures are reminiscent of the mythical Medusa that is itself a demonic incarnation of the yonic symbol that Freud called the vagina dentata(Leah12. 2012) In relation to Reys journey, this can be seen as a parallel of Gilgameshs battle with the monstrous Humbaba. In a archetypal sense monsters are generally projections of the negative self or extensions of the viewers self-image, it is also worth noting that while Gilgamesh decapitates his monster in an egoistic search for prestige, Rey only dismembers her monster to aid her companion, Finn. It is also notable that during Reys martial induction, she generally only uses her developing abilities for defence and enemy persuasion just as the Jedi code demands, and only time she is openly aggressive is when Finn is cut down during his battle with Kylo Ren in the films climax. Rey is basically the 21st century version of Luke Skywalker, a young 20 something character who is possibly the last hope for the Jedi order. Early in the film when Rey first meets Finn and they are fleeing from pursuing Stormtroopers, Finn repeatedly reaches for Reys hand to aid in her escape. Rey snaps at him I know how to run without you holding my hand. She also outmatches the main villain Kylo Ren both mentally and physically during the course of the film. One of the more notable scenes involves Han Solo recognising that Rey is somebody who can handle herself, in one scene in particular he offers to show Rey how to use a blaster to which she replies I think I can handle myself, his agreement reminds the viewer of how Leia saved his life at the end of Episode VI. He then continues to approve of her proficiency without coming across a patronising, even offering her a job alongside him and letting her fly his beloved Millennium Falcon. Rey is also an example of the young, maidenly aspects of Jungs term anima, which describes the archetypal feminine. Like much of Abrams previous work it shows an understanding that the anima does not need to be a companion or object of the masculine self which presumes the perspective of the audience, instead being a representation of that perspective. It has also been claimed that Reys character is whats described as a Mary Sue type anima archetype (Zulai Serrano, 2015), which claims the character can do no wrong, making her a character too unrealistic for some viewers. The rich feminine dimension of The Force Awakens makes itself very apparent with the first appearance of the droid BB-8, who serves as Reys heroic token just as R2-D2 served as Lukes. The figure eight body shape of BB-8 resembles that of theNeolithic Venus, which contrasts against the small phallic structure of R2-D2. BB-8 is what is called ayonic symbol, this is the archetypal image of female embodiment (the chassis of BB-8 houses the reward of the quest which is the map to finding the missing Luke Skywalker, this can also be seen as a sort of rebirth for the character in the process). As stated earlier, the original trilogy had only one main female character and although the Prequels had more female characters their representation was even worse, even going as far as to have Padme (Leias mother) dying of a broken heart in Episode VI. The new film takes steps to address this by having several women in key roles. General Leia is the leader of the resistance and has been allowed to age gracefully on screen, she is seen as the role of leader while still being a mother figure throughout. Over the course of the films Leia has moved from a Princess to a General and from a lover to a leader of the Resistance. Leia also functions independently without either Luke or Han which is very different than the last time we seen her in Return of the Jedi. Leia also conforms to the mature pole of the anima archetype, named by Jung as theGreat Mother. This marks a major archetypal change for Leia from the original trilogies, where she often functioned as the pure aspect of the anima, a role now taken by Rey. Leia still remains a positive representation of the anima as she continues to oppose the negative aspects of the anima, which Jung calls theTerrible Mother. This figure is not represented by one character in particular but by a vast destructive power such as the Death Stars of A New Hope and The Return of the Jedi, and its most recent incarnation Starkiller base in The Force Awakens. Where the Great Mother supports and upholds, similar to what Leia does, the Terrible Mother consumes all, as shown in the Death Stars ability to destroy planets from afar. We are also introduced to the character of Maz Kanata an old, wise mother figure who has been referred to as a female Yoda. It is Maz who gives Rey Luke Skywalkers lightsaber and Awakens the force in her. The fact that this character has been given Yodas role is very noticeable and can be seen as a major step in the gender balance issue. To a lesser extent Captain Phasma as a woman under the Stormtrooper suit is completely new to the Star Wars universe. It is also the first time we see female pilots at the controls of the X- wings during the final assault on Starkiller base which was unheard of before the release of the film. The Force Awakens is a game changer in many respects. It honors and updates the themes and tropes fans expect to find in the Star Wars universe by reiterating and reinterpreting compelling characters and symbology from known mythology. While still retaining its traditional values and fearlessly putting a female character such as Rey as the main protagonist and keeps a healthy mix of old and new characters that continue to transcend their archetype roles. The The Force Awakens can also be seen as more of a reboot than a sequel that builds on the best elements from the previous films and what it promises in the future.Whether the story of the Skywalker family continues throughout the course of the new trilogy is still to be determined but with the inclusion of Rey as the hero a new generation of fans (Male or Female) will look up to promises to bring us in new, fascinating directions. References Andrew Yang. (2015). The Archetypes Of Star Wars . Available: Last accessed 04th Jan 2017. Glen Robert Gill. (2016). Star Wars: The Force Awakens: An Archetypal Review. Available: Last accessed 13th Jan 2017. Gwendolyn Glover. (2011). Women Role Models. Available: Last accessed 04th Jan 2017. John Paul Pianka. (2013). THE POWER OF THE FORCE: RACE, GENDER, AND COLONIALISM IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE. Available: Last accessed 14th Jan 2017. Kristen Brennan. (2013). Star Wars Origins. Available: Last accessed 7th Jan 2017. Laura Hudson. (2013). Leia Is Not Enough: Star Wars and the Woman Problem in Hollywood. Available: Last accessed 04th Jan 2017. Leah12. (2012). The Monstrous Feminine. Available: Last accessed 11th Feb 2017. Lucas Seastrom. (2015). Mythic Discovery Within the Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Joseph Campbell Meets George Lucas Part I. Available: Last accessed 8th Feb 2017. Samuel James. (2015). How does Star Wars: The Force Awakens represent women ?. Available: Last accessed 04th Jan 2017. WD TR. (2016). Star Wars : The Heroines Journey Of rey. Available: Last accessed 16th Jan 2017. Zulai Serrano. (2015). Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Is Rey A Mary Sue? Twitter Sparks Fanboy Debate. Available: Last accessed 20th Feb 2017.

The fragility of tourism

The fragility of tourism Tourism is fragile,the 7/11 tragedy had a very severe,almost devastating effect on the industry.Climate conditions are able to influence visitor arrivals for the Mediterranean beaches.Sometimes it is political and economic instability that is the determining factor (e.g.Argentina) almost ruining a traditional and established industry.Tourism can have both positive and negative effects.Positively it creates employment and economically enables the conservation of valuable space;restrains a migratory tendency within the home population improving their socio-cultural education.It encourages support of local commercialisation resulting in the free interchange of ideas,customs and sensitization of issues concerning the eco-environment.The reduction of working hours,the ever present threat of unemployment because of technological advancement and the globalisation process enables the tourism industry to provide an interesting and stimulating intensive alternative Just as significant as the p ositive effects is the rising cost of natural resources,water,energy.The spoiling of landscapes with land reclamation;rising levels of waste disposal;alterations to ecosystems;the extinction of rare species of animals and plants;the loss of traditional values and rising levels of prostitution,that is sex tourism.There is the narcotics trade,forest fires,together with the rising cost of housing. Rising levels of carbon dioxide and other contaminating gases from increasing frequencies of airflights with ozone erosion and acid rain.All kinds of ecosystems are becoming affected.Thailand is littered with golf courses that consume large amounts of pesticides and water.There is hardly anywhere in the world not affected by tourism impact.From the Antarctic to Mount Everest visited with huge amounts of garbage the reminder of previous expeditions.Tourism is an aspect of globalisation most sensitive to any repercussion.In the eastern region of Spain,Benidorm has a great concentration of hotels,accommodating nearly half a million tourists in August within an area of little more than 12 kilometres.There is a large proportion of the population of many countries who do not participate in tourist flows but who nevertheless will become part of such flows with the emergence of new markets in Latin-America and Asia. The level of impact relates to the class of tourism. A family hiking trip in the Alps cannot make the same impact as a collection of caravan vehicles situated in the same area,or a vast Mediterranean hotel complex.It is therefore prudent to analyse the main categories of tourism and their effects the solutions to such problems.Business tourism has little impact except for the consumption of aircraft fuel.Beach tourism,very popular but quite dangerous for the environment as there is a large congregation of people within a relatively small zone.There is a high turn-over of resources,increased waste,escalating house prices as impact factors.Adventure tourism is the most harmful;usually visiting virgin zones with a rapid degradation because of high consumption of resources.Matters escalate with the waywardness of track vehicles who go off the beaten track.Rural tourism or mountain tourism consists of small hotels serving a small percentage of tourists.Reorganisation of these areas is gai ning momentum with a redirection of flow from the cities to such zones.Eco-tourism contributes in the effort of sustainable tourism possessing an awareness for nature and attempts to reduce any impact.Agricultural tourism is concerned with sustainable tourism.The tourist takes part in activities on the farm and like places.Tourists are introduced to aspects of the life and empathy with the animals and plants.This injects a life into such environments and agrees with the immediate habitat.The other varieties of tourism are minority,seasonal and impacts are therefore diverse,dependent upon type.In this category there is that of the religious,gastronomy,events,cultural etc. All the above have common factorial problems.Ever increasing usage of natural resources,generally unrecyclable.Raw materials and combustibles originating from elsewhere,that is non local.The problem of water,energy.Consuming of territory from agriculture to infrastructure.The generating of contamination.Residual wastes.The factor of residual waters and the pollution of subterranean reserves.Atmospheric pollution.Noise contamination and the loss of biodiversity. Future development must become sustainable in the long term and economically viable.Efforts should be made to channel such mass flows to reduce transport emissions that develop into global repercussions with local cooperation to support sustainability against loss of biodiversity and depletion of natural resources.But the word sustainable has many definitions when applied to tourism. Although respect of the environment is meant there are some principles involved.There would be three aspects.Ecological,Social and cultural and economic sustainability.Ecological sustainability means the tourism must respect maintenance of the essential biological process,of biodiversity and of biological resources.Social and cultural sustainability entails respect of local culture with the local populations values and the retention of the communitys identity.Economic sustainability means that there must be economic efficiency present. There is no one clearly acknowledged method of analysing the impacts of tourism and there are a number of different criteria for its measurement.The factor of economic costs based on indicators lends itself to compactness needing no previous knowledge of ecology or sociology.Most studies are able to display the benefits generated and contributive to the balance of payments to income contributed by the government and its deployment.Yet few have included the analysis of negative effects.Negative economic impact has an effect on the local scale.Destinations that suffer economically when dependent on tourism.Diversification if applied to the local economy is able to positively revert such consequences with the development of tourist goods and services replacing the previous gains of traditional activities.The way is open to instability due to alteration of tourist routes,ineffective publicity,the influence of ever changing tourist fashions in response to seasonal variation of production. Before such situations develop the small economies decide whether to resort to dependency within the sector or proceed with a duality strategy.Here they will try to balance two sources of income,the traditional with economic activities.This involves a more rational choice of possibilities.If there is no duality then it frequently becomes an inflationary situation.This inflationary aspect is sublimative with prices and taxes affecting the local population.It has no regard for anything existant before and it becomes patently obvious in the escalation of food prices and that of goods etc.Those who are directly involved in the industry experience improved benefit but not the local population.In the areas of tourist development,capital destinations there is disruption of traditional production sectors.Foreign capital is not limited to a local effect as it leaves the receiving country contributing to a loss of currency.Some authors assert that for the long term,low potential productivity from a tourist company has a depressive effect on local economic growth.Clarifying we have possible inflation from such tourist activity,purchasing potential being greater than that of the resident population leading to escalating prices for food and services.The loss of potential economic benefits with a high dependency on foreign capital.Distortions of local economy.Concentration of economic activity into one type of activity.Impact on employment produces fluctuating levels. Social impacts again consist of both positive and negative effects.Positively there is the recovery and conservation of cultural values that but for the visiting tourists would have disappeared.Funds as a result are made available for preservation of artefacts and restoration of forgotten historical monuments.Local communities would be unable to provide such resources.Yet various tactics are applied in such privileged places of tourist interest.Many local customs have been revitalized and tourist resources are being made available for the reappearance of folklore,festivals,craft pursuits and gastronomy.There has occurred marked improvement in facilities and services such as sanitary,modes of transport,parks etc. Nevertheless again negative impacts exist.The immediate negative factor is that of the social disparities between the indigenous population and that of the visitors.For some destinations essentially those to be found in the underprivileged countries their is a kind of imperialistic relationship with the inhabitants becoming servants of the tourists.Inevitably there arises social tension and resentment.A new kind of colonialism appears with dependency upon the foreign currency.Outside workers obtain contracts possessing better qualifications.With such clear indications of the socio-economic differences the negative impact takes effect.Gaming,increasing prostitution,drugs appear previously non-existent and all related to the arrival of tourists.Such negative impacts lead to loss of culturization.The local population observes the tourists and then seeks to adapt to their customs paving the way for the destruction and disappearance of the very thing that the tourists originally arrived f or. The tourism impact to the environment is the most negative aspect.Wholesale damage has been caused to large areas that will be very difficult indeed to reclaim.Tourism,tourist activity as a phenomenon of mass flows requires substantial infrastructure supported by intricate service networks.Careful planning has not always been applied with a resulting deterioration of the natural and social environments.There has been a transformation of infected zones with the destruction of ecosystems;diminution in the quality and quantity of water;soil contamination;the extinction of many species of fauna;severe infection of flora,fishing depletion and the contamination of the sea. Destruction of ecosystems arises with a massive presence of visitors.Originally the mass influx promised a get-rich-quick attitude.Nature was defenceless.Those destinations with an image of a tourist paradise have become victims to ecosystem destruction.Natural clean water has been severly affected and reduced with tourist arrivals.In many instances the amount of tourists arriving has been unsustainable to local resources.The many many golf courses and residential swimming pools all affect agricultural development and the zonal ecological balance. Soil contamination arises in many instances with substances derived from human activity that alter the chemical environment and reduces crop yield. Many species of fauna are becoming extinct.The effect upon tree populations,unregulated city-planning,hunting present ever present and overwhelming danger to endangered species.The mighty oceans yield of fish is becoming seriously affected.Population along the coasts has mushroomed together with second residences.To prevent an ecological disaster careful and superior planning is necessary;beyond local expertise.An overwhelming presence in the natural zones is affecting/impacting the flora in the same way.The presence of tourists in natural zones with a deluge of sporting activity such as motorbikes,mountain bikes,all land vehicles causes severe erosion of surface land inevitably affecting the flora. Are there solutions to such problems and is sustainable tourism attainable?Or is tourism an impact generator advancing to disaster. A global entity that is attaching attention to such a problem and attempting to fulfil objectives for a sustainable tourism is the European Union.The rest of the world has economic problems of its own as in Africa.The EU with its agenda 21 has invited the local administrations to act.It recommends the following:Promotion of local production,offering ecological foods of the region containing no additives.Reduction of waste garbage and separation of the various categories for possible recycling.Usage of various technologies to saver water.Purification of residual waters for irrigation and agriculture.The saving of energy with efficient washing machines,heat insulation.Respecting the environment and landscape.Promotion of public transport and bicycling.To establish pedestrian zones in areas of historic value.The promotion of local tourism and to reduce air schedules of the flight industry thereby reducing carbon emissions.Planning to facilitate contact between the visiting tourists and the local inhabitants but to deter the formation of any tourism ghettos.Planning to benefit all the local population. It therefore appears from the previous account that the main aims concerning tourism management are to maximise economic,environmental and socio-cultural benefits of tourism but to minimise costs associated with such a strategy.The contemporary theme that has been introduced above is sustainable tourism.According to the Brundtland Commission(1987) development is sustainable when it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Another definition was offered in Vancouver at the Globe Conference. Sustainable tourism development is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that we can fulfil economic,social and aesthetic needs while maintaining cultural integrity,essential ecological processes,biological diversity and the support systems. Three objectives should be achieved concerning tourism development.To increase the economic value of tourism.Improving the quality of life for the people and the protection and responsible usage of natural resources. It appears that tourism development within a country relates to an assumption of economic gain.Only tourism management with its application of various methods and principals can determine whether any economical gain will outweight the cost factor.There are staffing costs,overheads and utilities to take into account.To reduce costs to a minimum might involve improved staffing rotas,energy saving. There can be a number of positive impacts of tourism such as an improvement in the balance of payments,easier access to foreign exchange,the contribution to GNP and the multiplier effect.Also job creation and increased revenues for the government.Direct taxation with revenues.There are negative impacts including costs for infrastructure development;an over-dependence of the destination on tourists.The aspect of low skilled work.Again repeating here that is seems clear there is a simple principle involved.Namely that of minimising costs and maximising profits.High leakage is most likely to occur with NMEs(multi national enterprises)where there is the need to promote tourism but in order to do so there is import of food and beverages,capital technology,repatriation of staff and therefore a capital outflow,investment of capital infrastructure by the host government.It may be argued that with restriction/control of such NMEs there will be reduced capital outflow,reduced repatriation,toge ther with switching on of a multiplier effect stimulating more spending by the tourists in the local economy.Again debatable,there is the hiring of as many local residents as staff,ensuring proper salary levels with provision of training to support promotion opportunities.With the resulting reduction of staff repatriation there will occur an increase in the levels of local staff remuneration and so immediately contributing to a multiplier effect with the possibility of enhancing the destination socio-cultural aspect.Economics entails making and providing for the making of choices with influence and guidance being preferably applied.There is a need for professional marketing expertise at destinations to increase the average length of stay,the daily expenditure per head,with the diminishment of seasonality.Yet very searching evaluation is required here for these actions while producing economic benefits may in fact harm the environmental,socio-cultural aspects of the destination causi ng indirect costs. It is claimed by some sources that tourism development can be identified as the cause of environmental degradation in every case where there is tourism present.Such damage consists of air and water pollution,the accumulation of garbage on the streets and beaches;biodiversity damage,congestion of traffic,decline of wildlife.A number of these effects are irreversible harming not only the tourist destination industry but contributing to the cumulative effect of global pollution itself. The physical and cultural environments comprise the essential attractions for the visiting tourist to the destination.It is the responsibility of tourism management to minimize environmental damage and so ensuring future business.There are a number of methods that may be applied to diminish environmental impacts.Energy saving measures eg light bulbs,toilet flushes,cleaning detergents that are environmentally friendly.The limiting of visas thereby reducing immediately the number of visitors.Educational programmes of awareness both for the visiting tourists and the locals.An increase in profit may result with the reduction of costs,applied to utilities.Yet even if the limitation of visas does significantly affect profit it may be considered a better option so that there is still existant the possibility of future gains with the preservation of the destinations natural resources that are there to attract the tourists in the first place. To conclude one of the main ingredients for success of environmental policies is government involvement itself.Again it may be arguable there should be laws on land usage and the extent of building construction for the destination.The necessary infrastructure should be installed to meet anticipated volume of tourist flow with protection of natural heritages. The socio-cultural impacts can be measured with resort to crime rate statistics,the ratio of tourist to locals etc.A management method used to measure the level of socio-cultural impact is Doxey Irridex Model.The model has a four stage process wherein there are diminishing returns in the local inhabitants attitude towards the visitors.Firstly there is the exploration stage where contact between both parties is of frequent occurrence and here the attitude is referred to as euphoria.There is a welcoming of contact with the outside world and there is the possibility of supplementing the household income as a result of such inflow.With increasing flow there occurs diminishing contact with the early arrivals.The tourists become part of everyday business concerns that transforms the initial attitude into one that seeks contact and liaison for personal gain.Those residents of such a destination develop an apathetic attitude to such matters. A further development of the model presents annoyance.The significant inflow of tourism disrupts everyday life with developing queues experienced in the local shops,traffic jams.Local business accommodates to souvenir promotion emanating a sense of alienation to the local population.A subtle inbalance is occurring subconsciously activating antagonism towards the tourists.There is a loss of control within the community because they have now become dependent upon such tourist inflows.Destination facilities as a result of increasing volume deteriorate and contribute to the attraction of a down-market visitor.The tourists now become the focus of blame for such developments.The increasing deterioration in attitude becomes a mirror of reflection and comparison of the effect of such tourism influx. Tourism management methods applied to assist in maximizing positives and minimising negatives of impact for the socio-culture consist of educating about tourism;promotion of cross-cultural exchange;imposition of visitor codes;ensuring that locals have access to cultural facilities;preservation of local architecture;maintenance of authenticity;providing for the more sensitive cultural tourist with appropriate marketing;limitation of tourist numbers. One principal that has gained attention is the carrying capacity assessment.It may be used to control and implement frontline sustainable tourism.There is a variety of applications such as the determination of a tourism development limit for a particular place and the limitation of actual visitor numbers.It attempts to balance economic goals for physical and facility capacity of the destination.The social goal for social carrying capacity of the destination,and environmental goals with the ecological carrying capacity of the destination.Hopefully to achieve sustainable tourism development as a working reality.It has not met with the anticipated success because of unrealistic expectations,faulty assumptions and misplaced value judgment with an inadequate legal support system. Efforts of management to achieve a sustainable tourism system consist of a number of principles consisting of environmental impact assessment,limits for acceptable change,visitor impact management,visitor experience and resource management. It perhaps has become clear to the reader that tourism management should not function alone in these matters,but work together with local government and public bodies.Legal implementation is a central issue because if there is to be a restriction of visas for example there has to be assistance from such a quarter.Success breeds success and so tourism management and government will hum the same tune. The methods referred to above all have the same principal;that of protection for the host destination rather than a focus upon tourism demand.Obviously the demand has to be considered but it is the design of the tourist product that should be the main focus.Application of such principals referred to in the foregoing discussion will hopefully result in sustainable tourism for the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Congenital Birth Defects Essay -- Genetic Causes, Chromosomal Abnormal

1.1 Congenital Birth Defects Birth defects, congenital abnormalities are terms used to describe developmental defects that are present at birth. There are a lot of genetic and environmental interactions in the complex transition from a fertilised ovum to a fully formed human being. The stage of development that the interactions are affected influences the type of birth defects. Birth defect causes can be divided into two types, genetic and environmental causes. There are also birth defects which are caused due to multifactorial inheritance (George, 2007). Genetic causes of birth defects It has been estimated that 25% of all birth defects are caused due to genetic factors and out of these 85% causes are known (Brent, 2004). Birth defects can be caused due to chromosomal aberrations, mutations in single genes and interactions of both environmental and genetic factors. Chromosomal aberrations are seen frequently as the complex mechanisms such as meiosis or mitosis are prone to error. Another frequent causative factor of multiple birth defects is chromosomal aneuploidy (loss or gain of whole chromosome). Multiple congenital anomaly syndromes are caused due to single gene defects (Prescott, 2001). Chromosomal abnormalities They may be numerical or structural and are important causes of approximately 5-6% of all birth defects (Young, 2005). These abnormalities may arise newly or maybe inherited from a parent with same chromosomal aberration. Numerical abnormalities are caused due to any deviation from the human diploid number of 46 chromosomes which is called chromosomal aneuploidy. This leads to multiple birth defects as it disturbs the action of multiple genes. Usually, numerical chromosomal abnormalities are resu... ...Synthetic lethality does indicate that when two genes have the same role and mutation occurs in them both making them non-functional only then it results in lethality. Moreover when both the genes have the same function in the pathway, each mutation in the genes diminishes the function of the pathway. Even though genome sequencing of mouse and humans are completed the function of a major part of the genomes are still unknown. An effective way to discover the gene function is by determining the consequence of mutations in organisms. This study focuses on congenital birth defects by studying the mutations in mouse genome causing developmental abnormalities which serve as models for human congenital birth defects. In this study an attempt is made to identify the genes that cause developmental defects and lethality thus aids the study of congenital birth defects.

Friday, July 19, 2019

berry goody :: essays research papers

Berry Gordy: Father of the Motown Sound Berry Gordy Jr. was born in Detroit, Michigan on November 28, 1929. He was the seventh born out of eight siblings. His parents migrated to Detroit from Georgia during 1922. They were part of a mass exodus of African Americans who left the South in the 20's and traveled to northern cities in search of better economic futures. During that time jobs were plentiful in the factories, mainly the big four automotive plants that like, Chrysler, Ford, Chevrolet, and General Motors. Berry and Bertha Gordy would instill in Berry Jr. and his brothers and sisters a strong work ethic and a belief that anything could be achieved through persistence. His family also had deep roots in business. Berry Sr. owned a plastering and carpentry service, a general store, and a printing business. Gordy's family believed in the philosophy of Booker T. Washington, which stressed economic independence for blacks. Gordy Sr. named his store after him. Berry Gordy Jr. was heavily influenced by the ambition of his father. Like his father, he was also very determined and he tried many new ventures. Berry was an average student who earned decent grades. Despite this he decided to drop out of Northeastern High School to peruse a featherweight boxing career. He once even fought on the same card as the great Joe Louis. He had a brief but successful series of fights but decided to give up boxing in 1951. That same year he would then decide to try out the Army. He served for two years during the Korean War; there he earned his high school equivalency diploma. After his short stint in the army, he decided to open a record store, which only sold jazz records. Berry always enjoyed listening to records in his basement and he had a great love of music. Berry always hung around Detroit's popular nightspots to hear the bebop jazz sounds. He was able to see the performances of famous artists like pianist Thelonious Monk and saxophonist Charlie "Bird" Parker. Unfortunately, Berry's store eventually closed due to financial difficulties. Gordy soon found himself working at Ford's Mercury plant, earning $85 a week. Bored with his assembly line job, he spent all of his free time writing songs. Berry would hum melodies and make up song lyrics in his head to break the monotony of everyday work. Berry soon began to get serious about song writing and he got his big break when he won a talent contest.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Joy Luck Club :: essays research papers

Tradition Lives On   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, is a book that compiles stories of the lives of Chinese women that were raised in China and became American citizens. These women formed the â€Å"Joy Luck Club,† which was a small group that discussed their homeland and troubles, but still enjoying the treasures of food and each other’s company. Each section of the book is written from the point of view of the character. The book continues on with the stories of these women’s daughters, telling stories of their lives being raised by mothers who were immigrants, and dissolving into American society. Chinese mothers try to pass on their values, instincts, and intuitiveness on to the second generation. Great fortune has come to the members of the Joy Luck Club through their hardships, and they only want their daughters to understand what it takes to succeed in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Joy Luck Club ladies were all friends who over time have formed blissful lives for themselves in America. All of the daughters in this book were raised with high expectations, even the mothers while they were in China. This is contrary to an overall idea that girls in China were not a great commodity to their parents. Each member of the Joy Luck Club was a mother that only wanted their own daughters to understand why they should be respectful of their Chinese culture and grateful for their American opportunities. Waverly Jong, daughter of Lindo, was raised in Chinatown and her mother taught many lessons to â€Å"raise them out of circumstances.† (Tan, 90) Lindo thought the best combination was â€Å" American circumstances and Chinese character.† (259) The women of the Joy Luck Club were competitive amongst each other when it came to their children’s successes. Jei-Mei (June) Woo’s mother wanted her to be a chess prodigy like Waverl y Jong, or become a Chinese Shirley Temple. Jei-Mei’s mother, Suyuan, wanted her daughter to be a Chinese version of the epitome of American culture and the â€Å"perfect child† during the 1950s. Chinese mothers even go to great extents to instill their values into their children. The family of An-mei Hsu in China and Lena St. Clair’s mother, Ying-Ying, both would make up stories to make a moral to a story, to put fear into their daughters and detour them from trouble. Avoiding trouble is also an instinct for the Chinese. Their natural instincts tell them when something will not go well.

My Career Goal Essay

I always ask myself a question of what I want to be and what goals I am going to achieve four years later. Four years later, it is hoped that I can get the most out of my education, becoming more independent and mature. Four years later, it is hoped that I can be a journalist who contribute as much value as I can to my city. My first career goal is to be a journalist who writes for newspaper. A journalist who sees and tells the truth with honesty. Reporting the news completely. Presenting all sides of viewpoints unbiasedly. Seeking more sources when writing a news so as to be sure of multiple sides are presented. Secondly, helping the public society but the government will become one of my main concern. It is hoped that I can be independent from the government. Keeping a watchful eye on the government and making representation to the government about the unjust policy or measure. Therefore, I can supervise the government as to be sure that they do their work properly. Moreover, bridge the gap between society and real life is also my concern. Passionate on providing the information of the causes of the accident so as to raise the public awareness of the things going on the social issues. Finally, sincerely hope that I can hold on the mission which inspired by principle of freedom, of information, of expression in my career life with all attempt, determination and faith in justice. I always ask myself a question of what I want to be and what goals I am going to achieve four years later. Four years later, it is hoped that I can get the most out of my education, becoming more independent and mature. Four years later, it is hoped that I can be a journalist who contribute as much value as I can to my city. My first career goal is to be a journalist who writes for newspaper. A journalist who sees and tells the truth with honesty. Reporting the news  completely. Presenting all sides of viewpoints unbiasedly. Seeking more sources when writing a news so as to be sure of multiple sides are presented. Secondly, helping the public society but the government will become one of my main concern. It is hoped that I can be independent from the government. Keeping a watchful eye on the government and making representation to the government about the unjust policy or measure. Therefore, I can supervise the government as to be sure that they do their work properly. Moreover, bridge the gap between society and real life is also my concern. Passionate on providing the information of the causes of the accident so as to raise the public awareness of the things going on the social issues. Finally, sincerely hope that I can hold on the mission which inspired by principle of freedom, of information, of expression in my career life with all attempt, determination and faith in justice.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On Distance Learning Essay

outperform fosterage represents a way of teaching with geographic howevery dispersed respective(prenominal)s and groups. Moore related that as advance(prenominal) as 1978, regular mail serve up was used to aid outer space teaching, notwithstanding the advent of the internet brought unseasoned and particular(a) dimensions to the world of distance educational activity (10). It offered rise to power to geographically and physically separated individuals to courses and guidance in a more(prenominal) interactive manner through increased education, interactivity among participants, and incorporation of collaborative pedagogical models.But hitherto with the increasing image of courses and degrees delivered entirely online, and the number of supporters this type of education has gained, umpteen settle down express opposition to it as against the handed-down classroom education. Former college teacher mob Barszczs is one intimately-known dilettante of distance educatio n. He strongly asserts in his essay that distance attainment cannot sate the true chair of education. The diffusion of the net worldwide has literally changed the traditional social organization of the school, and, as it can be spy from the previous examples, it is doing in many contrary ways that argon more and more interesting.It must not be forgotten, of course, that parents detention on worrying round the detail their childrens opinions are circulating all over the world and that this could mean endangerment and repression for them. These anxieties, however, cannot erase the advantages coming from the introduction of this sassy technology into the educational are, most importantly, of legal transfer education to everyone. But what is the true purpose of education, really?In its most staple sense, I strongly believe that the summation of education is to instill in an individual the capability to make out at the world for oneself, to generate ones own choices, to dec lare what is black or what is white. In whatever manner this education may come from, it is still larn and discovering about new things that help experimental condition a person into what he is. Distance larn has brought a remarkable mode of delivering this education to students in rural or remote areas, so that they make take advantage of continuing education and wear them the ability to schedule learning at times convenient to them.Not only that, a great number of distance education programs cater to the requirements of a chew of diverse people of all ages, sexes, occupations, learning backgrounds and health conditions. Granted that personal strain which is very important in impelling education is hightail iting with this kind of education, exactly as is the situation with all new technologies, there are negative and imperious aspects to distance learning. Many instructors, as well as students of distance education miss this. Distance learning can confessedly be lon ely sometimes.There is incessantly a price to pay, whether it be sorry or small. Although this is the case, steps could be do to assuage this drawback. Encouraging students to share something about themselves is one activity that can at least give all participants the sense of touch that they know something about their colleague and the professor. Additionally, many courses are well supported and, for students who are unable to attend residential events, there are usually opportunities for students to participate in online discussion groups, clubs and societies.It would be noteworthy to dit out that for distance learning to be effective, a conducive learning surround needs to be created and maintained. Considerable cerebration and effort should go into the criteria required for setting-up learning centers and how these criteria would be put into practice and monitored. If this would be followed, distance education, with an extensive record of providing learning to out-of-the-w ay and distant learners, will mother the effective, mainstream method of education and training that advocates get hold of it to be.In a world where round-the-clock learning is a must, distance education has paved the way for everyone to have inlet to the educational system without having to physically go to school. Discipline is needed, of course, but it is one order that even traditional schooling teaches students to have. In the end, distance education can only provide a win-win situation for everyone twisting in it.